Lately I have been renting my work to Movie and TV productions It is hard to find them to photograph.
Here is “Julie and the Phantoms” with a very large painting of mine in the background.

visual artist
Chali Rosso gallery in Vancouver created a show partnering artists with contemporary masters. One of my “Pop up guitars” was selected. The piece was inspired by Dali’s clock series. My piece is made from various parts of abandoned guitars, deconstructed into a large sculptural piece. The end result is made from wood, plaster and paint with a heavy coat of resin. The whole gallery show was very dynamic.
I loved New Orleans Jazz Fest this year. My new favorite group is Snarky Puppy. Too bad a storm blew through Jazz Fest and shut the final performers down after 15 minutes of playing.
This was a year for bad weather but it was still great.
I had a great time attending the BMAs in 2013
My work was selected to be the art for the BMA poster, T-shirts, award booklet, badges and other collateral.
Memphis was alive with music as always. The BMA show was amazing. I highly recommend attending. Here are some photos from the show, Memphis and the Shack up Inn in Clarksdale.
I have read many times that Montreal is the most creative city in North America, if not the world. I don’t know if the world part is true but I agree that certainly North America. Here are a few shots from around the city. It’s hard to say what inspires me the most: the fashion, the graffiti, the exhibits, funky cafe decor, store windows…. all of it!
I do not understand how cameras are not allowed in museums but cell phone photography is. My cell is better quality than some cameras. It is a touchy subject for me as I believe art should be protected from pilferage. Having said that, I did take some photos from the Tom Wesslemann exhibit which was amazing. If you have a chance to see his stuff do go! He was very influenced by music. I felt a kindred spirit.
Check out all my photos photos from this summer.